A GREAT-grandmother has been given an award for 50 years of dedication to the Poppy Appeal.

Lilian Brooks, 82, of Fraser Avenue, Penwortham, was given a special poppy badge for her work collecting money for the appeal which supports former servicemen and women and the families of those who have fallen in wars.

She was presented with the commemorative badge and a framed certificate at the ladies' annual meeting of the British Legion's Middleforth branch, Leyland Road, on Monday.

"I am very proud, I joined the women's section of the Legion in the early '50s and have been selling poppies ever since.

"I enjoy the company and it's a worthwhile cause. It's my way of doing my bit." Husband George, 85, was unable to fight in the the Second World War because of a bad leg. "He wanted to go into the RAF, but he wasn't able to so he was sent to work at Leyland Motors," she said.

Lilian worked at the former Leyland and Birmingham rubber factory during the war, and in 1942 left to start a family. She has four children, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

"For the last few years I have been selling poppies in Cop Lane, I will continue raising money for the appeal for as long as I can."

Harry Benson chairman of the Middleforth branch and the poppy appeal organiser said: "Lilian is a very special lady. It's quite rare to find someone who has been selling poppies for 50 years. This year she raised £1,026 for the appeal."