IF you were escaping an abusive relationship, who would you turn to?

Many women go to Clare House, set up specifically to provide temporary accommodation for women and their children who are escaping domestic abuse.

In the last 12 months, 85 women and 87 children have sought refuge at Clare House in South Ribble Sarah Bell works as a child support worker there. She said: "Working with children of all ages can be very challenging. In a day I can be helping a teenager with GCSE homework, painting pictures with an eight year old and dancing to the Tweenies with a toddler!"

The less fun side to the job is dealing with the way in which domestic abuse affects the children. Each child is affected in different ways.

The children's services at Clare House comprise of play sessions, one to one support, creche facilities, parenting advice and suport to access other services.

This year Clare House has started to deliver an awareness raising programme of lessons to children in schools. The pilot scheme at Wellfield High School, Leyland is aimed at a group of young people in Year 10. It is hoped to continue this work within schools in order to help prevent cases of domestic violence and to educate young people that violence within relationships is unacceptable.

Christmas is a particularly difficult time of the year with the women having limited money and often arriving without any possessions. Each year Clare House makes several appeals for people to help. The Citizen's 'Tins and Toys Appeal' is one way in which the pressures of Christmas are relieved for the women.

There is also a wish tree appeal, where the children write a wish on a tag and hang it on the tree. People can then buy the present for the children to open on Christmas Day. This year there are two wish trees in operation. The first is located at Sumner House, King Street, Leyland, where gifts can be left at reception. The second tree is being operated by Stonehouse Nursery, Leyland, which supports Clare House in various ways throughout the year.

Clare House welcomes donations of toys in good condition all year round.