IT was a case that was driving the police nuts.

But this bushy tale of a sudden disappearance had a happy ending nearly two years after it began.

A three foot high squirrel which was part of the nature trail in Towneley Park, Burnley, was abducted nearly two years ago by thieves who used a chain saw to cut it from its base.

Nothing was heard or seen from the wooden rodent until police carried out a drugs raid at a house in Clay Street several months ago. Police seized the squirrel, which cost £200 when made, but handed it back as their inquiries to find the real owner proved fruitless.

Then two weeks ago an off duty policeman was walking the trail with his children when he saw a sign of where the squirrel should have been.

He informed colleagues who were carrying out an unrelated raid on the same property and the squirrel was taken back.

Then after an identity parade with a difference the rodent was picked out and reunited with its owners. However, there was a hairy moment when Keith Wilson, Forest of Burnley woodlands officer, did not recognise his bushy mate after two years apart.

When reunited he said the squirrel would be re-housed by the Natural History Centre and it gave him hope a three foot fox -- also stolen from the trial about four years ago -- could be found.

He said: "I am very pleased and grateful to the police for coming up with it.

"I was not too sure at first but there are not many squirrels like this knocking about in East Lancashire."

Sergeant Russ Procter, of Pennine Police, added: "It is an unusual item for us as there are not many three foot squirrels in Burnley.

"But nothing in this job should surprise you."