CRACKS in the thick stone walls of Lancaster Castle are nothing more than natural wear and tear - and do not threaten the future historic building.

Small cracks were found in the stonework of the city landmark last Friday.

But Christine Goodier, manager of the Shire Hall, says there is no danger to the castle or to members of the public.

Ms Goodier says: "We spotted some cracks and they do need checking out.

"Obviously we need to take our time with repairs because the castle is a grade one listed building so you cannot just start slapping putty into the walls.

"The castle has not been closed, tours have not been cancelled and there is no danger to anyone. Lancaster Castle is not falling down."

The Shire Hall at the castle, which contains one of the biggest displays of heraldic shields in the country, is world famous and 30 years ago staged the trial of the Birmingham Six.