PLASTIC ponies worth more than £100,000 convened in Morecambe last week as a massive collector's sparked interest from across the globe.

The first International 'My Little Pony' Convention attracted enthusiasts to the resort from as far away as Holland, Germany, Italy and the USA.

Some 5,000 My Little Ponies were on display at the event at the Platform - with the most expensive being a rare Rapunzel model on sale at £650.

Victoria Stapleton, of Morecambe who organised the convention, says the combined value of the collections was in the region of £100,000.

"It was absolutely fantastic and the feedback has been wonderful. Manufactuers Hasbro attended the event and were very impressed - they may be able to help me with next year and so it could get even bigger," she says.

"I thought at first I would get about 25 people, then after I put feelers out I thought maybe 100 - but to get more than 300 was brilliant."

An auction at the event brought in £100 for the Horse and Pony Association, and Deborah Birge, the author of the official My Little Pony book, jetted in from the USA to do a book signing session.

The web design student at the Adult College, Lancaster, says she knew that her collecting habit was different to her friends but never realised how many other people across the globe shared the same fascination with My Little Ponies.