AS Christmas gift wishes get jotted down on a list, one Lancaster resident just wants a home and family...

Friendly Fozzy, pictured, has seen hundreds of other dogs, cats and other furry friends come and go at the city's Animal Care sanctuary - but is facing his third Christmas behind bars.

The three-and-a-half-year-old mongrel went to the sanctuary after being found straying by dog wardens.

Stephen Wakelyn of Animal Care says Fozzy has a great personality and is very loveable but with an 'excitable' nature.

He certainly does not deserve to be labelled as Lancaster's 'most unwanted'.

"He is constantly overlooked and it must make him feel very much unwanted. I'm sure it's his Christmas wish to settle into a loving home before the big day," he told the Citizen.

Stephen says the staff at the sanctuary desperately want to find a home for Fozzy - but failing that, donations of food or money to help them give him the happy Christmas he deserves.

"This time of year is always a struggle because we do not re-home any animals during the three weeks over the festive period."

Because of this Stephen says that space and cash become tight.

He says some people tend to forget their pets at Christmas and so any lost and found dogs should be reported to dog wardens on 01524-582757 or the police on 01524-63333.

Any other animals can be taken to any local vet or locals can contact the RSPCA on 08705-555999.

Adds Stephen: "We couldn't achieve what we do without support from our volunteers and public donations. If you can help us please make contact. So much can be done for the animals if we work together."

Fozzy's home for the past three years has been a kennel. If you can help him out, call Animal Care on 01524-65495.