A MAN suffered two deep gashes to his head and had to have stitches after he was allegedly subjected to a "ferocious" knife attack in Brierfield, a jury was told.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Kevin Mason, 40, was left bleeding heavily by alleged assailant Wesley Hall, who had mocked him as he ran off.

Hall, 22, of Milton Street, Brierfield, denies wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and an alternative allegation of unlawful wounding, on July 3.

Mark Lamberty, prosecuting, told the court Mr Mason, who lived at Livingstone Street, Brierfield, was at home, asleep in his living room. He was awoken by Hall, who he knew, and the two men scuffled in the house.

The two went to Back Livingstone Street where they carried on fighting and the defendant produced a knife, like a Stanley knife, and aimed blows at the alleged victim's face, the court heard.

Mr Lamberty said Mr Mason was ducking, trying to avoid his alleged attacker and was covering his head. When he realised he was losing quite a lot of blood from the back of his head he tried to run away.

After Mr Mason made off, the defendant turned to others who had come out onto the street, apologised for what had happened and that they had had to witness the incident. He then claimed Mr Mason had stolen money from a relation and shouted after the alleged victim: "Yes, go on, run off," in a mocking kind of way.

Mr Lamberty said police called an ambulance to take Mr Mason to hospital. He was found to have suffered two deep lacerations to the back of his head and had a total of 11 stitches.

Hall was later arrested. Officers also recovered Mr Mason's blood -stained jacket from the house. Clothing belonging to the defendant was also found at the property.
