RESIDENTS in Huncoat have been looking at plans for a waste treatment plant on the former power station site at a special exhibition.

Lancashire County Council has drawn up the proposals for the plant, which, if it goes ahead, will be used to recycle household waste from across East Lancashire to reduce the amount being dumped in landfill sites.

The plans were on display at Huncoat Primary School on Tuesday and at Huncoat Methodist Church yesterday.

Many villagers are concerned about the plans and some have formed a branch of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England to campaign against it.

Staff from the county council were at the exhibition to discuss the scheme with residents, along with experts to explain how the plant will work.

A spokesman for the county council said it had been a great success. "A lot of people attended the exhibition and officers spent a long time talking to residents, explaining the plans, answering their questions and allaying their fears.

"The plant will use state-of-the-art biological treatments to break down rubbish which has not been seen as biodegradable in the past. A large composting facility to deal with all the green garden waste collected from houses and tips across East Lancashire will also be installed. A second exhibition will be open at Huncoat Methodist Church tonight, from 4pm to 8pm.

Louise Burton, from Hyndburn CPRE, urged people to go along and look at the proposals. She said: "We want as many people to attend as possible and we want them ask lots of questions."