A STACKSTEADS youngster was today recovering in hospital after undergoing a lifesaving transplant operation.

Thrilled mum Dawn Birtwistle spoke of her joy that her son Connor Hurst, six, has been able to have the pioneering surgery only weeks after going on a transplant waiting list.

Brave Connor faced an anxious wait that could have lasted years when he was put on the list for a liver and bowel transplant in October.

But anguish turned to joy when when a suitable donor became suddenly available.

The youngster, a pupil at Holy Trinity school in Booth Road, Stacksteads, became one of only 25 other people to have the operation at Birmingham Children's Hospital - the only paediatric transplant centre in the country.

He faces another operation tomorrow but doctors are pleased with his progress and say he is doing well.

Dawn, 25, and dad Martin Hurst, 24, of Hindle Street, are at his bedside and hope he will be ale to return home happy and healthy in three months time.

Dawn said: "We are excited. It's just been a bit of a blur the last couple of days. It seems unreal and has not sunk in properly yet."