MORE police officers are to patrol Blackpool Town Centre this month to clamp down on Christmas crime.

Two new Community Beat Managers are to patrol shopping areas and the community safety vehicle will also be in the area at peak shopping times as part of Operation Advent, now in its fifth year.

A poster campaign is also being launched, encouraging shoppers to ensure the safety of their own possessions.

Cllr Sue Wright Blackpool Council's community safety portfolio holder, added: "Being a victim of crime is distressing at any time of year but causes extra heartache at Christmas.

"We hope that by following simple crime prevention advice shoppers will prevent their gifts for family and friends becoming early Christmas presents for thoughtless thieves."

Insp Stuart Noble, responsible for the town centre, said: "We are seeing considerable reductions in street robberies, autocrime and other types of crime this year, however, when the shops are crowded in the busy festive season the criminal has more chance to steal from you.

"They take the opportunities afforded them by the extra shopping we do, the hustle and bustle of town centres as we rush around, and the value of the goods we buy as presents and store in our homes until the big day. We might also be more trusting and generous at Christmas when requests for charity are made, giving the unscrupulous a chance to collect for their own causes.

"Autocrime is at its lowest for ten years in this town thanks to the improved Security, new lighting and CCTV coverage in the town's car parks.

"However these measures only work when people remember that shopping left on the back seat of a car in a shopping centre car park can, unfortunately provide thieves with their own Christmas presents.