IT IS interesting to note paragraph 19 of the Code of Practice regarding The local Government Act 1986. It reads: "Legitimate concern is caused by the use of public resources for some forms of campaigns which are designed to have a persuasive effect.

"Local authorities should not use public funds to mount publicity campaigns whose primary purpose is to persuade the public to hold a particular view on a question of policy."

We would like to ask why north west council tax funds are still being used to fund the North West Regional Assembly (NWRA).

We would also like to ask has any of the council tax payers monies which we at UKIP

estimate to be over £100,000 , used to promote a "yes vote" for the NWRA, been clawed back. If not why not?

Council are ultimately responsible for this dire misuse of public monies. Whoever the councillors are that made these decisions to fund such a political entity should resign immediately or be sacked for misuse of public office.

I don't suppose the council tax paying public will get an answer because it is interesting to note that all the former powers allowing the audit commission to force the paying back of

subscriptions, were actually removed, incidentally enough, around the same time the NWRA and other regional assemblies came into being.

Doesn't anyone else find this strikingly coincidental?

The audit commission say they can only prevent future payments but not "legally force" repayment of past subscriptions.

So I would suggest that people who are against the idea of council tax payers money funding an unelected regional assembly write to the audit commission stating that

they don't agree to the use of public funds supporting a political entity.

No wonder our councillors are looking "very nervous" at these area forums.

Ian Upton

UKIP Press Office