THEY may not have been able to spell, but I have to confess a sneaking liking for Shakespear's Sister. The combination of ex-'Nana Siobhan Fahey and Marcella Detroit produced some classic singles in the early Nineties -- and they are all here in this "just in time for Christmas" greatest hits collection. The best-selling Stay is still a great record and You're History showcases the contrasting vocal styles. It might not be the coolest CD to buy as a present, but I reckon it will be well appreciated by a lot more than just me. JA


FOR those thinking Kat Who? Imagine Courtney Love with a sore throat and an even sorer head. This girl rocks, loudly and wildly, and this CD cataloguing her career ain't for the fainthearted. For fans it's a bumper release featuring 26 tracks plus a DVD packed with promo videos, live performances and even three short films. If you were to attempt the whole thing in one sitting you'll either be deaf or exhausted -- and quite possibly both. JA

FUZZBOX: Look At The Hits On That (WSM)

ONE of the truly inspirational bands for those people who aspire to be pop stars without, seemingly, having any genuine talent. Pop stars at just 16, the Fuzzbox foursome proved feisty females in the extreme -- and developed considerably as artists. Their punk pop and outrageous outfits put a smile on record buyers' faces and, although sounding a little dated in places, this is a fun compilation for those old enough to remember them.0 JA