SCHOOL truancy rates have been put to the top of an action list by Darwen's prospective parliamentary Conservative candidate, Nigel Adams.

During the last few months Mr Adams has met the headteachers of both of Darwen's secondary schools to find out how they are affected by truancy. He said that truancy rates had risen in recent years and something needed to be done to tackle the problem.

He said: "The Conservatives' plan is based on a simple belief that parents know what's best for their children and teachers know what's best for their school. That's why we'll give parents greater control over their child's education and put headteachers back in charge of their schools by getting the bureaucrats out of the way.

"Parents in Darwen want their children to have the best. They can't have that if their education is spoiled by a few disruptive pupils who have no interest in learning and just want to cause trouble.

"We need to make sure that those pupils who want to learn can do so, while those who don't are

dealt with in the right way."