A BOOKMAKERS has put up a £10,000 reward to catch the gunman who tried to rob one of its Blackburn branches.

Bosses at William Hill want information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the raid on the Accrington Road branch, Intack, on Tuesday.

The robber, dressed all in black and wearing a hood, burst into the bookmakers just before 6pm, threatened staff with a handgun and demanded cash.

But the workers stepped behind a protective screen and the man left empty handed.

A spokesman for William Hill said: "This was a harrowing experience for our staff. Their quick thinking and presence of mind ensured that he did not get away with anything but clearly he needs to be stopped before he tries it again.

"We have a clear policy on incidents of this nature. We believe in working very closely with the police.

"We hope that by offering this reward people with information will come forward."

DS Gary Dunnagan, of Blackburn CID, said: "We welcome this offer and hope that, on reflection, somebody out there with information about this man will contact us."

The gunman was described as white, 5ft8in tall, possibly Asian, with dark eyes and eyebrows. He was wearing a black thigh-length coat with a hood, black waterproof pants and black gloves.

Call Blackburn CID on 01254 353569 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 with information.