BLACKBURN MP Jack Straw revealed this week that he is mad on Mars bars. When the Foreign Secretary is feeling at a low ebb he sits down, unwraps a king-size bar and savours every last mouthful. Two minutes later he is ready to take on the world again.

Reporter IAN SINGLETON spoke to other well known East Lancashire personalities and asks what it is that helps them 'work, rest and play'.

IT MIGHT be hard to imagine a statesman like Jack Straw munching on a Mars Bar .

But for the Foreign Secretary it's a snack that allows him to keep going.

"I tend to scoff it, rather than eat it in a gentlemanly way. But once down, life returns to normal," he admits.

But while his choice is startling because of its ordinariness, the pick of Blackburn's Queen of Clubs Margo Grimshaw is, true to style, exceedingly flamboyant.

She said: "My favourite is a bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, with a scoop of ice cream and some cream. It just relaxes me. Give me a bowl and let me sit down and watch Coronation Street and the world is my oyster."

Burnley-born Craig Heap, a Commonwealth Games gold medallist, relaxes with a much more down-to-earth and more common choice.

He said: "Now that I've retired from gymnastics I can enjoy a good pint of lager which really helps me to relax when I'm feeling a bit stressed out.

"I don't go overboard and I like going out in town when I come home as I'm living in the North East."

Comic Jim Bowen prefers a bit of stodge when he's feeling down. Rather than a small snack, his choice is not just a pick me up, but a whole meal.

He explained: "I am ashamed to say, but it is always a Burger King burger with the thin chips - they don't make you fat.

"I can have them at any time at all. I feel a lot better after one of them."

Hyndburn MP Greg Pope chooses the best of Lancashire for his comfort food and drink.

He said: "It has to be a meat and potato Holland's pie, washed down with a pint of Thwaites."

Meanwhile Coun Kate Hollern, leader of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, backed up Mr Straw's chocolate theory.

She said: "Mine is a Bounty. One bite and it takes me to paradise -- or at least I wish!"

I tend to scoff it... then life returns to normal

Jack Straw: Crunchy nutcornflakes: "Give me a bowl, let me sit down and watch Coronation Street, and the world is my oyster"

Margo : Pint of lager: "It really helps me to relax when I'm feeling a bit stressed out"

Craig Heap: Burger & chips: "The thin chips don't make you fat"

Jim Bowen: pie: "Holland's meat and potato washed down with a pint of Thwaites"

Greg Pope: Bounty "One bite and it takes me to paradise"