I HAVE just received a letter warning me that terrible things would happen to myself, my family and the community if I didn't do as it said.

Who, you may ask, would do such a thing: a criminal, who has obtained my personal details from documents carelessly not shredded? Maybe one of those terrorists I keep reading about?

No, the culprit is none other than Rt Hon David Blunkett MP Home Secretary!

In this letter I am threatened that if I 'want to feel more secure,' I should support the National Identity Card scheme proposed by the Home Secretary, which I am reassured will only contain a person's name, address, date and place of birth and a fingerprint or eye scan.

I am told that police will receive 'more powers' to tackle drug dealers and anti-social behaviour' (though presumably not the ones required to answer the telephone when you wish to report a crime!).

I wonder if anti-social behaviour will once again be extended to further intimidate those wishing to protest against such decisions.

The letter came with a survey asking my opinion of ID cards, which political party I voted for last time and which I will vote for next time.

It states 'FREEPOST' but a stamp will save the Labour Party money.

I thought it was my duty to bring this to the attention of your readers that they may all 'feel more secure in every aspect of their lives'.

K McGREGOR, Kirby Road, Blackburn.