POLICE are stepping up patrols in Burnley town centre to crackdown on thieves in the run-up to Christmas.

The move comes after the force issued a warning to shoppers to be on guard against bag snatchers.

More high visibility patrols will offer shoppers, especially those with prams, crime prevention advice.

Pennine Police's street crime co-ordinator Karen Nuttall said the clampdown follows a series of town centre thefts in recent weeks.

She said: "There have been several thefts in the town centre in the past month with purses and wallets taken from bags, coat pockets and prams.

"Although this is not a major problem at the moment, we are keen to prevent any further incidents, which is why we are urging shoppers to be on their guard."

Town centre manager Lisa Durkin welcomed the increase in police presence and reiterated the warning for shoppers to be vigilant.

"Purse thefts and car break-ins can be more prolific at this time of year," she said.

"An increase in high visibility patrols is always welcome at this time of the year as it acts as a deterrent to someone who is up to no good.

"This time of the year it's everywhere, not just in Burnley. There are more opportunities for thieves while people are preoccupied. Anything we can do to help our shoppers get a more pleasant experience will benefit everyone."

She revealed police patrols will be increased at night as well as during the day, adding: "An increase in police presence is what's needed as there's an increase in customers, during the day and evening."

Police say there are a number of preventative measures shoppers can take to ensure they do not become a victim of crime.

These include not carrying more money than is needed, keeping purses and wallets in an inside coat pocket and carrying bags across the shoulder with the flap against you.

Miss Nuttall said these simple measures can go a long way to slashing crime.

She added: "People also need to be aware of who is around them and report any suspicious incidents. These are simple things but they can make a big difference when it comes to helping us prevent crime."

Anyone wishing to report a crime should call Pennine Police on 01282 425011 or Crimestoppers free and confidential on 0800 555 111.