HAVING admitted that the actions of local vandals and other undesirables were a determining factor in its plans to close down public conveniences, Lancaster City Council now proposes to save a paltry £5,000 a year by dismantling allegedly unsafe play equipment - and even to close play-grounds (Citizen, November 18).

Its spineless and contemptible justification is that playgrounds attract anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

It is high time our local authority actually displayed some authority by vigorously opposing vandalism.

If it gives way on every issue that crops up, it may as well board up the Town Hall and let the vandals take over.

Our councillors must heed MP Geraldine Smith's words and make a stand, and members of the public must insist that they do - otherwise everyone will share in the shame and disgrace if this scheme is adopted.

Brian Burton, Morecambe.