WORKERS at a Lancashire brewery can breathe more easily after a multi-million pound project to remove an asbestos roof from their plant was commended by a top European safety body.

The Samlesbury Brewery was praised by the European Good Practice Awards for the responsible way they handled the removal of the 30-year-old asbestos roof over their warehouse.

Work on the packing lines continued as normal during the 18-month project, which removed 20,000 square metres of asbestos roofing.

Dave Nicholls, health and safety manager at Interbrew UK, which owns the Samlesbury brewery, said: "We are delighted with this commendation as it reflects the focus we put on safety in the workplace."

Lisa and Gordon Christmas pledge

DRINKERS at the Hare and Hounds in Blackburn are in for a smashing time this Christmas.

New managers Lisa Robinson and Gordon Mitchell are promising to liven the place up with quiz nights and a new jukebox. But Lisa also admitted a guilty secret.

She said: "I'm terrible for breaking glasses. I think they've moved me into management to get me away from the bar so I can't break so many."

The 24-year-old added that it felt fantastic to be running her own pub.

"We've got a new jukebox, and we've started quiz nights on a Monday," she said.

Hare and Hounds owner Vincent Gates said Lisa and Gordon would brighten the place up. He said: "They're young, lively and full of energy.

Continental treat

PUB chain JD Wetherspoon is giving real ale lovers a continental treat this Christmas by offering them an exclusive Belgian cask ale.

The beer, De Koninck Ambree, has been brewed in Antwerp since 1833, and is described as "full-bodied, with velvety-smooth flavours."

Roger Protz, editor of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) Good Beer Guide, said: "De Koninck Ambree is the stand-out beer brewed in Belgium."