POLICE patrols have been stepped up in Waterfoot as part of the hunt for a sex attacker who preyed on a teenager.

And today officers were preparing a photofit of the man they believe was responsible for the terrifying incident.

The 14-year-old girl was pounced on as she walked to a telephone box in Waterfoot in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The girl was then dragged along the 'Snickett' off Burnley Road East to isolated woodland.

She was then subjected to a terrifying sex attack.

Officers today said patrols have been stepped up in the area after the horrifying attack which has sent shockwaves through the community.

Forensic officers have also taken fingerprints from the scene and police have spoken to a number of witnesses who were in the area at the time.

DS Andy Gilbert said: "We are hoping to release a photofit as soon as possible in the hope that somebody may recognise the attacker from the picture.

"The victim has managed to give us a description.

"So we would ask anybody who thinks they may have seen the man either before the attack took place, or after, to get in contact with us.

"There were quite a lot of people around at the time of the incident but we would encourage anybody who hasn't yet come forward to get in touch."

Police have advised people not to panic but warned them to be on their guard and help them catch the sex pest.

The attacker is described as being in his late teens to early 20s, slim, with short blond, collar-length hair.

He was wearing a white top, which police believe he may have removed at some point, dark trousers and black trainers.

Anybody with information is asked to contact police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.