SO David Chaytor is considering giving back us back his parliamentary expenses if we believe he has not given value for money. Well . . .

As a papermaker who now commutes 90 miles a day to stay in his chosen profession;

As a motorist forced to endure ever-rising fuel costs and restrictions;

As an individual burdened with a greater tax burden than my forbears;

As a smoker soon to become a social leper;

As a parent whose freedoms, responsibilities and choices are being eroded by the nanny state;

As a saver who has seen pensions raided and destroyed;

As a human being losing health provision to bureaucracy and cost savings . . .

I say, yes please, give me back my money.

I would, however, like my share to be donated to Mike Savage's department at the council then they could buy a street map for the recyclables collection team. I am fed-up at having to telephone to get this council to deliver the service promised before the local elections.

Most Improved? Only at throwing a deaf one to customer complaints!