I CAN'T put into words the total disbelief that I feel after reading that the driver of the car that hit and killed 15-year-old Natalie Pickwick Jones walked free from court.

This driver was, police investigations concluded, travelling at one time at a speed of around 58 mph in a 30 mph zone. He was, by his own eventual admission, aware that his driving was 'dangerous', and yet he was cleared of dangerous driving!

Apparently, the reason this driver was travelling at an excessive speed was to overtake a vehicle that was travelling at a more appropriate speed of around 25 to 30 mph and, I quote, 'seemed to be slowing down'. Why was such speed necessary in order to overtake a vehicle that was slowing down?

If the fact that Natalie had consumed alcohol during the evening of her death contributed to this driver walking free from court, then I think this is outrageous. It may be that Natalie's awareness of potential danger was reduced due to alcohol but this does not override the fact that if the driver had been travelling at the legal speed limit this fatality may have been avoided.

I have lived on Bolton Road for the past four years and have lost count of the number of times the road has been closed due to a serious or fatal accident. And this despite the traffic calming measures that have been put in place since Natalie's death.

This verdict really does send out the wrong message to other drivers. The British justice system has miserably failed Natalie and her family.