I'm a regular reader of your newspaper and look forward to each edition.

On perusing it I felt I had to comment on the article 'Modesty Misunderstood' by Sarvat Jabeen Khan, from a gora's point of view.

Firstly, I have always looked on religious dress as a way of deliberately standing out re quote of M N Anwar about identifying as a muslim by wearing approved Islamic attire. This can have a two-way effect. It can be incredibly divisive. Moulvi Rafiq would like to cover the WHOLE body too. Also, why are women sending out 'mixed messages', Sarvat, if they wear western clothes too? Do jeans make a girl 'easy'? Is a poncho better then?

In France ALL religious stuff is disallowed not just Islamic scarves. I can quite understand the 'old chap' wondering about the women who wear all black. It becomes a method of seperation and therefore secrecy, NOT integration or sharing.

I've read several translations of the Quran, while talking to Muslim friends too. I've never seen any verse that tells Muslim women to wear 'all-covering' black. 'Advice' on attire not 'orders'. It seems to be tradition/cultural and not scriptural.

To end. Why should one presume wearing a headscarf makes a 'good person?

I did notice the whole article was more or less geared against women's dress with very little, if any, about men's.

No offence intended, I hope you understood this in the spirit it was submitted.

Thank you all and Salaam

Via E-mail

Nick Proctor

Camden st
