I TOTALLY agree with H Hamer 'Leave pavements for pedestrians' (LET, February 25).

Not only is on-pavement parking a nuisance but, in the area of town which I pass through every day (Shear Brow), I cannot believe how many motorists get away with parking on double yellow lines.

No matter how inconvenient these lines may be to the motorist, they are there for a very good reason.

On the section of road where Limbrick and Shear Brow meet, directly opposite the exit from St Andrew's Street, cars parked on the right going up the road cause a grave obstruction at rush hour.

At one time no one would dare park on a double yellow but these days there doesn't seem to be any official around to tackle the problem. The sooner someone does, the better.

C HAWORTH (Mrs), Knighton Avenue, Lammack, Blackburn.