HAVE we returned to the 17th century when it was acceptable to leave faeces in the street? Most people would probably be appalled at this suggestion and yet it's happening here in Crawshawbooth, amongst other places. It's not human faeces -- it's dogs.

It's disgusting and anti-social, not to mention a health risk.

Where we live, the problem of dog fouling is particularly pronounced.

It's a wooded area with quiet roads and grass verges, a perfect spot to walk dogs.

However, few owners who walk their dogs here seem to care where their pet poops.

Last week, within 10 yards of our house, we counted 32 separate piles of dog muck.

Our children play outside and regularly bring dog muck into the house on their shoes.

We walk the children to school on a the road edge rather than on the pavement as it is littered with dog mess.

If owners are not responsible enough to pick up their dog's mess (I've done it -- a freezer bag is all it takes), they shouldn't be allowed to own a dog.

Enough is enough. We live in a civilised society and this is not civilised behaviour.

Dog owners -- stop and consider your responsibilities.

Councils -- enforce the law and prosecute.

B HOWORTH (Mrs), Crawshawbooth.