THE Lib Dems are, in some people's view, in an enviable position as the third party in British politics.

They can pluck policies out of thin air and not worry about the detail or their implications because they know full well they will never be in a position to enforce it upon us.

Were they ever to improve on their current position at parliamentary level, we would see them champion the rights of all those who want rights without taking responsibility for anything.

They will call for the teaching of sex education at school -- to seven-year-olds. They will legalise and reclassify hard drugs and lower the age limit for drinking to 16.

To ensure that no one is left behind as they champion people's rights, prisoners will get the right to vote. That's right, prisoners.

But their best party trick will be one where they hand over the sovereignty and with it all OUR rights to the European Union, unconditionally.

Coun Birtwistle produced a flier recently asking about my whereabouts. It will be discomforting for him to know that I am here in Burnley doing what I promised I would do -- talk to the people about the issues that matter to them.

Unlike his shopping list of questions to the electorate, I am providing answers to their concerns over the state of our NHS, about the lack of discipline in our schools and about our soaring crime rate.

I am telling them how I plan to help those who help themselves. I am listening to people's concerns over asylum and immigration and not accusing everyone who talks about it of being racist.

Above all, I am telling them how I will fight to preserve the rights and freedoms of our independent, sovereign nation.

YOUSUF MIAH, Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Burnley.