CHILDREN living with a disabled sibling are being offered the chance to say what support services they want in Bury at an activity day next week.

Bury Young Carers is inviting siblings, aged under 18, to The Met, in Market Street, to voice their opinions on growing up with a brother or sister with a disability or long term illness while taking part in a variety of fun activities.

The voluntary organisation, based in Tenterden Street, Bury, provides services for children in the borough and are now looking into the possibility of a support service for siblings after requests from families.

Chris Livesey, research project worker, said: "Studies of sibling support groups in other parts of the country have shown that brothers and sisters of disabled children value the chance to make new friendships, share similar experiences and gain useful information and support through attending such groups. It is seen as a valuable services to many families."

Due to limited resources, Bury Young Carers cannot accept new referrals to support youngsters living with a disabled sibling and hope the research will attract funding from outside the borough to fund a future service.

The fun day will take place on Saturday, March 12, in the Gallery at The Met between 1.30pm to 3.30pm, with free drinks and snacks available. For more information, call Chris Livesey on 0161 253 7942.