RESIDENTS of Moorside are being invited to join the ward's newly-formed action group and create a "community council".

The Moorside Action Group will be meeting once a month to give residents the chance to air their views on issues and problems affecting them as well as consult on changes within the ward.

Group secretary Vincent Kelly said: "We have more of a chance getting things done in a group rather than individually. There is strength in numbers."

The action group, which has the backing of the Home Office, will be holding its next meeting on Tuesday from 7pm at the Bury Metro CVS building in Hornby Street, Bury.

On Monday, four representatives from the group met with the Mayor of Bury, Councillor Barry Briggs, to outline their aims and priorities and the group is now hoping councillors will get on board with all the tenants and residents associations in the area to form the "super group".

Issues include improving footpaths in Moorside, cutting speed in Hornby Street, more police presence in the ward and relieving congestion in Bell Lane up to Fairfield Hospital. It has also pledged support to the Re:d Centre and Fairfield Hospital, including the fight to save the special care baby unit, and is proposing to create an activity centre for parents and children within Moorside.

Resident Sanna Stewart, of Regent Street, added: "I think it is a brilliant idea and will bring the community together if everybody just sticks to it."

For more information on the action group call 763 3756 or visit