A WOMAN killed herself by taking 60 times the lethal limit of morphine because her relationship with her husband appeared to be breaking down, an inquest heard.

Mrs Diane Seaton, of Moyse Avenue, Walshaw, Bury, was found dead on August 9 after locking herself in her bedroom following an argument the previous morning with her husband Philip.

Bury Coroner's Court heard that Mrs Seaton's close friend Judith Moffat had raised the alarm after family members were unable to wake Mrs Seaton through the locked door.

She gained entry after forcing the key out of the lock on the inside and pulling it under the door to find Mrs Seaton's body on the bed with empty prescription bottles and packets on a bedside table.

The post-mortem toxicological report confirmed the 45-year-old's cause of death was a drug overdose of morphine and fluoxetine prescribed for her anxiety. She had ingested 25,000 microgrammes per litre of morphine, 60 times the lethal limit of 400 microgrammes, and was found dead the day before her 46th birthday.

The inquest heard that Mr and Mrs Seaton had been experiencing some marital problems but, after a brief spell apart, had reunited on August 7.

Mrs Moffat, of Holly Street, Tottington, told the inquest that Mrs Seaton had been devastated over the temporary split but did not think the relationship was going to work out.

In her statement to the inquest she said: "For a few weeks up to her death Diane thought her husband was having an affair but did not want to believe it. Her domestic situation was upsetting her the most."

Coroner Barrie Williams recorded a verdict that, due to her domestic crisis, Mrs Seaton had taken her own life.