GREATER Manchester Police's Special Constables were in profile at the weekend to demonstrate the wide range of duties they perform.

They took part in the national Special Constabulary Weekend to give people interested in joining the force the chance to see first-hand what is involved.

This year, Special Constables with Greater Manchester Police (GMP) will be taking part in routine duties but, in particular, focusing on youth nuisance issues.

Special Constabulary Chief Commandant David Gledhill said: "GMP is looking forward to successfully recruiting more Special Constables this year, who help to play an important role, supporting full-time officers to fight crime and protect people."

Home Office minister, Hazel Blears said: "Special constables contribute an enormous amount to their communities. They are an integral part of our modern police service, supporting police officers and community support officers in providing high visibility patrols and public reassurance.

"Thanks to the Home Office"s £2.5 million national recruitment campaign Could you volunteer?", we have an extra 1,500 new recruits and a further 2,500 applications are being processed to bolster the service even further.

The Special Constabulary consists of volunteer officers who give up their time freely to assist with the policing of Greater Manchester. They have all the powers and authority of a regular officer and are provided with full training. GMP currently has 370 Special Constables at all ranks.

Volunteers must be at least 18 and a half years old and in good health. If anyone is interested in becoming a Special Constable for GMP, they can contact the recruitment unit on 856 2333, or alternatively, find more information and apply for an application form on the website,