TWO people have been charged by police in connection with drug offences following dawn raids across Burnley.

Heroin, ecstasy, cannabis, CS gas pellets and a large quantity of cash were seized from addresses in Hale Street, Gannow Lane, Leyland Road, Dugdale Road, and Reed Street, during six raids yesterday following tip-offs from the public.

Twelve people were arrested and two men have now been charged and bailed to appear before magistrates next week.

Neil Hanson, 27, of Leyland Road, has been charged with possession of cannabis, and David Holding, 19, of Hale Street, with possession of a Class A drug.

They will appear at court on Tuesday.

A 16-year-old, of Reed Street, was given a reprimand for possessing cannabis, and a second 16-year-old was reprimanded for possessing ecstasy and cannabis.

A woman from Leyland Road was cautioned for possessing cannabis.

Four others are all on police bail after being arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs.

Police are hailing the operation, codenamed Fraggle, a success.

Inspector Dave Croll, who led the operation, said: "We have acted upon fears and information given to us by people in the local areas.

"Hopefully our action will disrupt the activities of people involved in drugs, and other crimes associated with it.

"If people are concerned enough to ring us and tell us about activities, we have got to be concerned enough to do something about it.

"We are concerned and we will act."