AN 87-year-old woman was attacked by robbers in the street for just £8.

Today, police in Nelson appealed for help to trace the thugs, who left the woman shaken and bruised.

The victim was attacked as she walked down a back street between John Street and David Street at 1.45pm.

Her assailants came up behind her and grabbed her bag from her left wrist, sending her tumbling to the floor.

They escaped with the black bag containing two black leather purses, one with £8 in change and the other a pension card, leaving their victim slightly injured.

The woman has a bruised and grazed left elbow and a suspected back injury.

PC Richard Kemp said: "This was a callous crime with the offenders preying on an elderly lady from behind, all for the sake of £8.

"If anyone knows anything about this attack, I would ask them to search their conscience and come forward.

"Whilst not seriously injured, the woman did sustain bruising and grazes and was left shaken by the attack.

"If you saw anything suspicious in, or around, the area where the attack took place, or if you recognise the items stolen or have heard someone talking about the theft, then please give us a call."

Police carried out house-to-house inquiries yesterday afternoon.

The woman was unable to give a description of her attackers, but police believe two people may have been involved because the victim recalls hearing more than one voice.

Anyone with any information about the incident should contact Nelson CID, or call police on 01282 425001.