POLICE today revealed further details of how they will tackle youth nuisance in Barnoldswick.

The Lancashire Evening Telegraph reported yesterday how a dispersal order would aim to stop gangs of youngsters.

And officers have now outlined the precise areas that will be covered by the powers, which can be used to break-up groups of youths causing problems.

Barnoldswick has one of the lowest crime levels in Lancashire but over recent weeks residents have reported an increase in nuisance prompting police to take action.

The dispersal zone comes into effect on Thursday, March 10 and will last for six months.

The area covered by the order will include the following streets: Harper Street, Lower North Avenue, Wellhouse Street, Rook Street, Beech Street, Cobden Street to its junction with Beech Street, Chapel Street, Clough Park, Calf Hall Road and Taylor Street.

PC Karen Fitzpatrick said: "We've been having a lot of complaints about anti-social behaviour in the area. Residents are concerned about large groups of youths gathering and causing a nuisance.

"The order will give us the power to break up any nuisance groups which should hopefully

address community concerns."