THERE was another monthly assignment for prints and slides at the Prestwich Camera Club on Tuesday. This month, club member Jack Kielty, who has been chairman on two occasions, volunteered to be the judge, .

Jack had 16 slides and 26 prints to try and comment on and this is where he found a little difficulty. How do you say 26 different things about the prints you have in front of you? Jack coped very well and added a touch of humour.

There was a fair variety in the prints - people, places and things that members had seen and tried to make into good photographs. In third place. Jack chose Mike Shiers' prints of Sunset Time. Marjorie Hoyle's black and white print of a nude called Julia was second. Jack said the lighting was on those parts that the photographer wanted the viewer to notice. In first place Jack chose Derek Warren's "Library Walk" with a figure in red, dwarfed by curved walls.

The 16 slides were run through twice before Jack pronounced his verdict. The places where some of them had been taken covered a wide area of Europe but the winners were from much nearer home.

In third place was John Thompson's "Green & Gold", a very colourful slide of some fallen leaves on the grass by a tree. In second place was Angela Honeyford's "Forest Floor", which had the feeling of being in a forest with trees all round.

John Thompson triumphed again in first place with his "Iris". It was a very effective slide of a purple or mauve iris flower with nothing else to distract.

It is some time since Jack actually produced prints for these assignments, so he brought along about a dozen of his favourites, some of which have done well in previous exhibitions. He had a story to tell about most of them as well! He was warmly thanked for his efforts.

Next Tuesday, March 8, there has been a change in the published syllabus and there will be an evening about audio-visual for beginners.

If you would like to contribute, or you would like to learn a bit more, why not come along to the side door of the Bridge Methodist Hall, behind Radcliffe Library between 7.30 and 8pm?