A JOGGER had to have five stitches to his nose and suffered a smashed tooth and black eye after he was beaten up for nothing in Whitworth, a court was told.

Burnley Magistrates heard how the victim was attacked after two men pulled up in a BMW and got out. Father to be Ryan Mark Holden, 21, who was the first to confront him, punched the jogger in the face causing him to fall backwards.

The jobless defendant, of Westgate Close, Wallbank, Whitworth, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

He was given a 12 months community rehabilitation order and told to pay £1,000 compensation.

Andrew Robinson, prosecuting, told the court the jogger had just gone past Whitworth Working Men's Club. A crowd of children was outside and he shouted: "Excuse me," but the children wouldn't move. The jogger made his way through a gap.

Further up the road the BMW pulled up.