Sedgley Park 12 Bedford Blues 23 National Division One: WITH results elsewhere going their way, this latest defeat was not as damaging as it could have been to Sedgley's hopes of preserving their new found status.

However, lessons still have to be learned, and quickly, as skipper Jimmy Ponton pointed out.

"We were disappointed not to come out of the game without at least a point," he said.

"We knew they had a big pack and we were ready for that, but a few things didn't go our way and at times we were too interested in what the referee had to say. I thought we'd got past that but apparently we still have some work to do in that area.

"A lot of the boys are still on a learning curve at this level and have already exceeded a lot of people's expectations, but we are not yet the competitive team we need to be, week-in, week-out.

"A lot of their guys who have been in the premiership are on their way down and in my experience they expect a lower standard of rugby in National One.

"But they get a shock, especially when they face us, although their experience counts in other ways, which is what we discovered and as a team is what we lack.

"But we are working on it."

The first half was dominated by a tit-for-tat kicking duel, and the visitors demonstrating their superior mental approach to the game.

They could have taken the lead inside the first two minutes but the usually reliable Leigh Hinton missed with his 33-metre penalty attempt, despite having the wind and slope in his favour.

However, they were able to punish Sedgley's naive defending five minutes later.

The ball was spun along the backline with fullback Mark Harris popping up in support as it reached the left-hand corner where he crashed through the ineffective cover to go over, although Hinton was again off target with the boot.

He was then given another penalty opportunity on 13 minutes but again missed.

The Bedford pack were dominating the early exchanges, helped by superior kicking from hand, although mistakes and a quickly improving Sedgley defence came to Park's aid.

With a quarter of the game gone Hinton was given a third chance to get his place-kicking in order and this time he was successful from the Sedgley 10 metre line to put the Blues in front, 0-8.

While he was struggling with his place kicking stand-off Ali Hepher was on hand to help pin Sedgley in their own half with his boot.

However, Sedgley's performance in the set-pieces, particularly in the lineout improved throughout the game and the forwards more than held their own.

The Blues pack were trying to impose themselves on the home forwards but they were having none of it. In particular second row Jon Phillips was confronted by Tigers' player-coach Tim Fourie after a bout of dirty tricks in the ruck, which appeared to nip that aspect in the bud.

With Lund making useful yardage with the ball in hand and De Jager joining the line at every opportunity Sedgley tried to get their attacking game going, but against the wind Feeney's kicking from hand suffered.

However in defence a huge hit from John Skurr halted one foray in its tracks, while minutes later sheer determination and brute strength held up the Blues' Junior Paramore on the line.

By this time Hinton was beginning to get his eye in and kicked an easy penalty two minutes before the break to make it 0-11. But Feeney was also given a penalty a minute into injury time and he kicked his side onto the scoreboard, which showed 3-11 to Bedford at the turnaround.

Before referee Dean Richards blew for the break, Hinton was given another kickable penalty 35 metres out, but he missed.

Two minutes into the second half Sedgley made two changes, with Dave McCormack replacing Chris Wilkinson at scrum-half and Carlos Hassan going on for winger Ross Bullough, their extra experience having a positive effect on the game

After stealing a lineout Sedgley drove the ball deep into Blues' territory, with Richard Senior at one point threatening to go all the way, but a penalty followed and Feeney, from the Blues' 22, narrowed the gap to 6-11 after 45 minutes.

Four minutes later Van Wyck's kick down the left touchline bounced kindly for Harris with the Bedford man gobbled the ball up to go over for his and his side's second try. Hinton added the conversion to make it 6-18 to the visitors after 50 minutes.

Fourie, McCormack and Senior then took play to within 20 metres of the Blues' line where they were awarded another penalty and Feeney stroked over is third kick of the afternoon to make it 9-18.

On the hour Louiz Holtzhausen replaced Skurr, as Sedgley looked to up the ante up front.

A determined passage of play saw Sedgley once more push the Blues back into their own half where they again gave up a penalty which Feeney popped over to reduce the deficit to 12-18. All of a sudden if victory was not achievable at least a bonus point looked a possibility.

Lund, Voortman and Senior kept up the pressure with piercing drives, only for Mr Richards' whistle to come to Bedford's aid when a Sedgley try looked on the cards.

On 71 minutes Bedford showed their speed when the ball was spun out to the right wing where Hinton kicked for the corner, but according to Mr Richards Feeney's tackle was late and high and he showed the Kiwi the yellow card after consulting with his linesman.

With the penalty on offer Bedford opted for the scrum 10 metres out and on 74 minutes Shaun Brady had the easy job of falling on the ball in the wake of the push. Hinton again missed the conversion but the Blues now began to see daylight between themselves and their hosts with a 12-23 lead.

Without kicker Feeney and needing a try to gain a losing bonus point Sedgley on two occasions kicked for touch when awarded penalties in the Blues' half.

But despite intense pressure they just couldn't get enough momentum gong to drive the ball over and the visitors hung on for the win, leaving Sedgley once again to contemplate what might have been.

SEDGEY: De Jager, Feeley, Naylor, Voortman, Bullough, Feeney, Wilkinson, Du Plessis, Keys, Thomas, Fourie, Lund, Senior, Ponton, Skurr. Replacements: Oxley, Collie, Lourens, Hall, McCormack (for Wilkinson, 42), Hassan (for Bullough, 42), Holtzhausen (for Skurr, 61).