SO the council tax is to rise yet again and Bury MBC are forced to make cutbacks?

May I suggest they start with their staff. Over the past six years I have been at times amused, bemused and utterly baffled by the sheer inefficiency, arrogance and ineptitude of the council's employees.

Take, for example, the fact that our black boxes were not being collected. It took in excess of ten calls to the "Customer Care" hotline, each time explaining the problem and each time answering the same inane questions before three members of staff came to our property. The last one - arriving six months after the initial complaint - was kind enough to explain that the reason the box wasn't being collected was because we weren't supposed to have it in the first place!

What is the point of employing "jobsworths" who take no responsibility or pride in their roles and fail to follow-up complaints and queries? If this were the private sector, they couldn't behave like this.

I am staggered that our hard-earned council tax money goes towards paying their wages.

