I AM writing this letter with my blood boiling to think that there are still barbarians hunting and killing foxes, and believing that they are above the law.

What are the Government going to do about it? Nothing as far as I can see, just let them get away with it.

Maybe they are waiting until after the General Election, but it's about time the Government showed some backbone and made an example of people who enjoy making an animal suffer a horrendous death for the love of their sick sport.

It's not a "class argument", it's about stopping this barbaric killing once and for all. And as for the Countryside Alliance going to the Court of Human Rights, what about the rights of animals?

These people pretend they care about animal welfare, and say that their dogs would have to be destroyed. What a joke! They don't give a damn about animal welfare.

Are we going to let them carry on with their bully-boy tactics of taunting MPs and holding up dead foxes to demonstrate their contempt for the law? Come on Tony, show us that they can't get away with it. I'm sure the voters are waiting.


Lichfield Road,
