I AGREE completely with Mr Derek Ryder (Letters, February 18) in his call for "honest and complete information regarding the activities of those who represent us in Parliament".

He wishes to see "regular reports of MPs' activities, information about voting records, foreign visits and the committees on which they serve". I could not agree more that such information must be in the public domain and is an essential part of our democratic process.

Some of my constituency activities are, of course, reported by the Bury Times, and I do issue press releases on a regular basis. In addition I have provided a brief description of my parliamentary work on my website www.epolitix.com/david-chaytor

This provides links to other sites which describe the work of select committees and give details of my voting record. My website is currently rather basic but is now being regularly updated and will eventually, with its links, provide a comprehensive record of my parliamentary activities.

Finally, the voting record of all Members of Parliament is available every day in Hansard which is now also available on-line, and to which there is a link on my website. I am very happy to assist any of my constituents with requests for such information, as I have done regularly over the last eight years.