I READ with great sadness about the problem of speeding cars in Bolton Street, and the plight of residents in Holcombe Village. I also have sympathy for Geoff Sword living in Brandlesholme Road, Greenmount.

However, speeds of 60-70mph are sadly nothing compared with traffic on Bury and Bolton Road, where speeds in excess of 100mph are to be seen. Despite knowing this, our local council (you know, the ones who are so busy congratulating themselves on their minor successes) have decided that there is not a problem, due to the fact that no-one has yet been killed in this area. Clearly, no councillors live in any of these areas otherwise, action would have been taken.

Just how many people have to die before something is done? Speed humps appear in the most peculiar places, presumably our local councillors like them outside their homes.

Come on you "much improved" councillors, wake up and do the jobs you were elected to do and take some positive action to combat and dramatically reduce excessive speeding in highlighted areas. Open your eyes and ears and listen to local feelings and opinions. Please don't allow any more innocent people to die on our roads due to excessive speeding.

Will we see some "sensible" speed-reduction measures in certain areas, or do we wait for more council tax-payers and innocent children to die before our councillors react?