Last Friday while coming home in the car around 5.30pm, I saw a guy in a silver Rover nearly run over an old man crossing the road at the pelican crossing near Bury Town Hall.

The pelican light was red, and the old man started crossing the road. He was quite slow and got half-way across as the light started to flash yellow. As he walked in front of the car, the driver decided it would be a good idea to try and run the man over, and drove forwards, even though the old man was literally just in front of his bonnet.

The Rover driver could clearly see the pensioner as he was right in front of his windscreen and yet he still drove off as if there was no-one there. He stopped in time, just knocking the pensioner off balance a bit, but not injuring him in any way.

As the petrified old man shouted out in shock, the driver just said nothing and simply drove around him and sped off.

I was in the car behind and saw it all, and I hope other people saw it too. I rang the local police but as it's not as serious as other crimes (though it nearly was), it doesn't look as if they will do anything about it.

Impatient, stupid and bloody-minded drivers like this should be made to walk everywhere, so that we smaller fish can cross the road at designated crossings without being in fear of our lives.

I don't know who the pensioner is, I just hope he is OK after such a fright and that he knows some people on the road do care.
