SPEED cameras do not worry me, I can speed past them any time and never get a ticket. Why? Because I am just one of a sizeable minority of motorists who are "illegal". Recent estimates put the figure between 10 and 20 per cent of motorists.

I chose to opt out of motoring legally. The vehicle I use is not registered to me, nor is it linked to me in any way. I do not have insurance for the vehicle, but it has road tax provided by the previous owner. I am therefore immune to the effects of so-called "safety cameras", as I will never be traced.

The vehicle is registered to a false name and address. I can speed and drive dangerously and never be trapped by a camera. Yet it is precisely dangerous and irresponsible drivers like me that cameras are meant to clear from our roads, in order to make them safer. After all, they are not there to raise revenue, drivers are assured.

So what would stop me from driving illegally and irresponsibly? Well, if there was a significant chance of meeting a policeman for a start! Until then, why bother?

This is precisely why speed - or safety - cameras are ineffective. They are unable to provide the necessary evidence to prosecute illegal and dangerous drivers, or those who drink and drive (unless they also speed!). Instead many (legal) motorists automatically get penalised, not for driving dangerously but for driving at speeds at which a policeman would almost certainly exercise his discretion in their favour.

Meanwhile, Department of Transport statistics indicate that road death rates are much the same from year to year. They had been falling steadily until traffic policemen were replaced by speed cameras, and the roads will not really be safe again until we see the return of the patrol officer.