HOMOPHOBIA is not a word used a lot in Lancaster. In fact it didn't exist before 1976 because it's a 'newspeak' word invented by the gays.

Incidentally, why they call themselves gay I'll never understand because you never see them chortling at our risqu comments, though they - like all newspeak types - can be as rude as they like about us heterosexuals because we are common and will never complain about heterophobia.

It is ironic that the 'cottaging' plague which has descended on Morecambe was started, at least in part, by a Lancaster MP who worked diligently to legalise the strange games that male homosexuals are allowed to play 'in the privacy of their own homes', as it was put at the time.

The sooner local police do their job and take the advice offered by your correspondent F J Fawcett (Letters, March 16) and arrest these people then the better Morecambe will be.

J Eyre, Lancaster.