IT seems that the police are trying to get support for their latest motorist bashing tool -- Automated Number Plate Recognition.

Please do not think that this is being trialled with the purpose of assisting in recovering stolen cars.

Let's be honest, it does not take a genius to nick a set of number plates off another car the night before stealing a different one. ANPR is useless in this pursuit.

I hope, however, that the people of Lancashire have learnt from the introduction of speed cameras that there is an ulterior motive for everything that is motor related that this government tries to introduce.

There is no doubt that the ANPR system will be abused, just like the speed camera system.

ANPR is to crime as speed cameras are to safety.

I urge people to write to their local MPs and chiefs of police, strongly objecting to this yet further encroachment on both our wallets and our right to privacy.

Also please visit where you will be able to sign the online petition.

We plan to have the site up and running in a couple of weeks.

JAKE LONG, Motorists Against Persecution, via e-mail.