COULD I please ask Catherine Barry to provide us with the evidence to support her claim that speeding is not an epidemic among drivers, which is contrary to RAC evidence that clearly shows speeding IS an epidemic (Cameras do not reduce deaths, Letters, March 17).

Like many before her she seems to think the world should accommodate motor vehicles and the speeds that they are capable of, leaving all other road users to make do with what is left.

As much as some would like to see more police officers back on our streets to deter speeding drivers, we simply cant afford it. As for catching all other law-breaking drivers, it is only a matter of time before technology provides us with the solution.

Also, isn't it rather heartless of Ms. Barry to suggest that road accident victims are members of left-wing pressure groups who can not be impartial? Would she say the same of the victims of MRSA who campaign for cleaner hospitals, or of cancer victims who campaign for more CT scanners?

Why is it then that we can have cancer victims - along with society as a whole - contributing money and raising funds and awareness to find a cure for cancer without being condemned for doing so, whereas with death and serious injury on our roads, the victims who are most prominent in raising awareness and funds are vilified?

In the end, the cure for road casualties doesn't require money; it merely needs patience, courtesy and respect from road users.