WHY should no one be surprised that the perennial political opportunistic Liberal Democrats are making a big play about the councils need to keep social care expenditure in line with the budget?

That is what responsible councils do - ensure that expenditure is met by income. Social Services budgets have benefited considerably from year on year above inflation increases and are in line with the proportion determined by Government for Bury, and Councillor D'Albert is fully aware that demand for services continues to also rise year on year.

Social Services' spending is around £65m - 20 per cent of the councils budget, if we wanted to exceed that, the council tax would have to bear the burden. I have not heard the Liberal Democrats propose that, and in any case, the Government would not allow it.

So, we attempt to get more out of what we have got and we use a mixed economy of suppliers to seek to achieve better value for money, more productivity, putting money where it is most needed.

However, far from abandoning the voluntary sector as implied we have increased use of private providers over the past few years, but this has come at a price which, in many cases, far exceeds inflation with the subsequent pressure on budgets.

If Coun D'Albert thinks it is wrong to do the same thing for less cost, let him say so at budget time. However, I do not think the council tax payers will agree.

In the meanwhile, there are severe spending pressures, some of which we have been able to control and others not. Indeed, we already have a Project Board which looks at all pressures on the Social Services Budget, chaired by the deputy chief executive, including the deputy, and I am a bit surprised that Coun DAlbert is not aware of its activities.

Our job is to continue to strive to provide excellent services to those most in need, providing Bury with continued good value for the council tax provided by our residents.


Leader of the Council