EVER since we joined what was supposed to be just a Common Market I have been concerned about our increasing loss of sovereignty.

In the so-called crisis following the French and Dutch NO votes on the EU Constitution, Tony Blair has put this beyond any doubt.

The question of a referendum is something which he has been dodging ever since the Constitution was first made public and he has been waiting for another member state to get him off the hook.

In all my wildest dreams, however, I never thought that I would hear such an outrageous surrender of our democratic rights of decision as his excuse for not giving us one. It is not for any one nation to try and influence the decision of the EU where this is concerned.

The whole point of opposition to this embryo Federal European State is exactly the loss of our sovereignty and our democratic rights.

It is stated that, should we hold a referendum, we will be tacitly accepting that, contrary to the original declaration, the EU constitution is still viable.

That I disagree with and say that the British people should still have their say, to show where we stand.

Although violently opposed to it, I would accept the verdict of the people. Mr Blair, however, will not. He maintains that we do not have that right. As usual the goalposts have been moved and there is talk of Declaration 30 where only 20 "YES" votes are needed.

Lack of a referendum could mean that he could go ahead and ratify it without one.

Thanks to Declaration 30 the constitution is not dead, only seriously wounded.

Let's show where we stand and have a referendum to finish it off.


Rectory Green,
