I AM writing to you to ask your readers to take part in the sixth annual British Heart Foundation (BHF) Morecambe Bay Walk on Sunday, July 31. Once again, the Queen's Guide to the sands, Cedric Robson MBE, will be guiding the walk to ensure that all walkers are in the safest possible hands.

Morecambe Bay is a beautiful part of the world and the walk is a superb way to raise essential funds for the British Heart Foundation, the nation's heart charity, so that they can continue to fund pioneering research into the causes and treatment of heart disease.

The Morecambe Bay Walk is also an extremely enjoyable and relaxing way to spend the afternoon.

Whilst participants must be pre-registered, entry is completely free. However, we do ask you to raise vital funds for the BHF by getting friends, colleagues and family to sponsor you. There are some superb prize incentives for people who raise over £50 and everyone taking part is awarded a Certificate of Appreciation.

If you're interested in joining me on the BHF's Morecambe Bay Walk, please contact the BHF Regional Office on 0151 236 6988 or email region7@bhf.org.uk for a registration form. Alternatively, you can register online at bhf.org.uk/mbw

CAROLE A McCARTNEY, Fundraising and Volunteer Manager, British Heart Foundation.