I noted that some of the Muslim Leaders were making the usual noises in favour of Mr Straw.

A obdurate and sycophantic enthusiast of Mr Jack states that the Labour Party and Jack Straw seem to have done more for Blackburn Muslims..."

I would be very interested to know what in particular the Labour Party has done for the Blackburn Muslims.

From my vantage point the Labour controlled council continues on its racist course. Each time there is an application from the Muslim community the Labour Group will do its utmost to block it. The planning application from Bicknell Street Mosque would not have been allowed to pass if the Labour Group was allowed to have its way (the Group had actually voted to reject the application).

Fortunately, after intense lobbying and the presence of members of the community at the meeting, some of the Muslim councilllors voted with the opposition.

So please dont tell me the Labour Party is good for the Muslims.

Labour Party's Opposers only had one argument and that was the war. Thus consigning their opposition view to the dustbin of irrelevancy.

I suggest they read other partys' manifestos (I very much doubt if these people have read the Labour Party manifesto).

What about the mothers who have lost their sons and the fathers who have lost their daughters to the British bombs.

As Mark Twain said "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it." .

This time this government didnt deserve our support.

A Waghat

Buncer Lane,
