FURTHER to the debate about litter. This is not a local problem but something which afflicts every local authority up and down the length and breadth of the country.

I would propose a drastic solution which would resolve at least some of those problems - ban the sale of all drinks (and especially alcoholic drinks) out of any glass container both at the retail level (shops) and by the service sector (ie pubs, bars,clubs restaurants etc).

I am dismayed by the amount of broken glass I see around generally. It is unsightly, dangerous and it makes cyclists' lives a misery.

Glass seems to have a very special meaning to some in the UK in as much as it must be broken, be it shop glass, car windshield glass, bus shelter glass or bottles that come to hand.

Yobs and yobettes find it a perfect medium with which to express their disdain for the norms of society.

Furthermore, it is useful both as a ballistic misslie and a hand weapon - where else in the world do you find a dictionary where the word 'glass' can also be used in the verb form as

in 'to glass'?

Roger Marsh, Morecambe.